TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


GToday I listened to a one hour audio file (, a panel discussion at Southern Seminary. The topic is the "New Perspective on Paul" as articulated by N.T. Wright. The participants were well informed and spoke with irenic grace.

Justification, specifically the issue of imputation, is at the heart of Reformed Theology. Wright's position clearly points us back to Rome.

I urge the reader to go to the link and invest the time necessary to grapple with the issue. Read John Piper's book on The Future of Justification.

Wright has written much that is helpful. This issue is not some remote eschatological nuance that has tertiary consequence. This matter is the heart of our faith. We must show diligence and integrity in guiding God's people and our own souls on this matter.

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