TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


The ministry of IgniteUS is dedicated to bringing Health & Effectiveness to Pastors and the local church. We focus on ENCOURAGING those who lead in a very difficult time.

The proliferation of opportunity provided by Social Media streams has exacerbated what I characterize as “Pontification”. Let me explain. 

An individual correctly cites an injustice promoted by some element of our faith. They lob a not so thinly veiled barb at those they perceive (and often correctly so) as being flat out wrong. They then retreat to the safety of their study with a not seen, but ever present smug self-affirming smile. They have just assumed the role of “Pontif” on this subject.

The problem – nothing has been resolved. There is no attempt at resolution. There almost certainly will be a counter-point offered by those they indicted in their pontifical post. The beat goes on.
I recommend those reading this post follow the link below. This takes you to what I regard as the finest article on dealing with those with whom we differ. It was written by Roger Nicole, now deceased. He being dead, yet speaketh and quite eloquently I must say.

We would all be well served by applying what he presents. Most certainly, Christ would be honored, the church made healthy and Pastors and Leaders encouraged. Well worth the effort. 

Would appreciate your thoughts when you have read through this. THANKS!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The "Battle of The Bulge!"

How many pulpits in America would be vacated if Pastors were required to mount the scales before they mounted the pulpit?

Recent research reveals that obesity among Pastors is greater than obesity among the overall population. The church does not tolerate the sins of gossip, greed, or false witness. They should not tolerate obesity due to the intemperate and undisciplined consumption of food and a lack of discipline in exercise and physical fitness. Failure in these areas reflects poorly on the message of the Gospel.

According to Pulpit & Pew, an interdenominational research project on pastoral leadership, clergy work was considered one of the healthier professions in the past, just below teachers in terms of low mortality rates.

Follow the link to a color map of the USA showing the Obesity rates by State.

However, recent data has found the obesity rate in clergy members has climbed to 30 percent.

One of every three American adults is obese

By 2015, 75% of adults will be overweight; 41% will be obese

Google BMI = Body Mass Index. Find out how you are doing in the “Battle of the Bulge!”