TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hinderance # 1 - Leadership

#7 February 15, 2010

For many years, Max DuPree was considered the 'Dean' of Leadership wisdom in evangelical circles. His statement on Leadership was:
"The first task or responsibility of a Leader is to accurately define reality."

Part 1

It is obvious to even the casual observer that those with the title and responsibility for leadership in the Evangelical Church in America are NOT fulfilling that role. The church in America, Main-line denominations and Evangelicals alike, is in a state of precipitous decline. David Olson ( documents the fact that the church is not growing in a single state in the contiguous states of the USA.

Further, we are not even coming close to planting enough new churches just to keep pace with population growth. Several years ago World Magazine had a feature article titled Locked From The Inside. The article provided a heart-wrenching saga of buildings that seat hundreds occupied by a dwindling dozen or two geriatric congregants shuffling in and out with their walkers, soon to close the doors permanently.

Denominations and even many Seminaries are highly resistant to accepting this fact and most certainly to adopting any changes in their programs with sufficient modification to stem the tide. Territory and Tradition have a higher priority than Truth and Effectiveness. They seek programmatic 'quick fixes' which simply are a mirage, a delusion. Ed Stetzer (LifeWay) said, "We love our traditions more than we love lost people." Sad but true.

Part 2

Impotent and incompetent leadership is always marked by lack of focus and purpose. Organizations led by such people (I refuse to label them Leaders) suffer the consequences of their deficiencies. Study the US Presidents. Several immediately come to mind because of their pathetic indolence and sheer confusion while they occupy the office of leader.

Leadership is not titles. It is not degrees. It is not power. It is not mere longevity in service. Leadership is the capacity to influence people to do what they otherwise would not attempt and to do it with joy. Management is about answers. Leadership is about questions. Management is about status quo. Leadership is about change. Zenger & Folkman summarize this distinction well:
The highest expression of leadership involves change, and the highest order of change is guiding an organization through a new strategic direction, changing its culture, or changing the fundamental business (ministry) model. Thus, change is an importnat and ultimate criterion by which to measure leadership effectiveness (Zenger & Folkman, The Extraordianry Leader, p.18).

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hinderances to Effectiveness in the Evangelical Church

#6 February 8, 2010

Part 1

Many Pastors are diligent. They pray for and love the people they shepherd. They do accurate and careful exegesis of the text. They prepare and deliver solid messages. They have Vision and Goals. They engage the community in which they serve. They are faithful.

The church they lead does not grow numerically or spiritually. People are not Transformed. The Pastor ask himself - - WHY???

The exegesis that is missing is of the culture. I refer to the ministry culture that frames or shapes the church. Every church exists in a culture. The factors that comprise that culture have a profound but often unrecognized impact on effectiveness. When these factors are not identified, analyzed and addressed, stagnation and decline are the inevitable result.

Part 2

What are these factors? Over the next seven weeks I will list and speak to each of these factors. It is profoundly futile to invest effort into Spiritual Formation when there are multiple elements that mitigate against that reality. Coming to terms with this issue, eradicating these elements and then anticipating progress is reality. Ignoring these factors will produce only frustration, stagnation and ultimately perhaps resignation.

Be encouraged. There is hope. Visit this BLOG every week for the next eight (8) weeks and learn what needs to be removed. Then, you will have the prospect of finding joy in seeing God transform His people into the fullness of Christ. That is will worth pursuing!

Next Week - Issue # 1 - LEADERSHIP