TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Divide & Conquer

9Marks, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Founders Ministries, T4G, IgniteUS and a host of other very credible ministries. They all have one common denominator - they believe in the Authority of Scripture, the priority of local church and the Doctrines of Grace, Reformed Theology that is passionate about evangelism and the Great Commission. So, what is the problem? We are divided not by philosophical or theological nuance but simply a lack of focused endeavor.

Example - I attended a conference here in Columbia hosted by First Presbyterian, Pastor Sinclair Ferguson. Expository Preaching. Wonderful venue. Alistair Begg, Ligon Duncan and other very capable dedicated Christian Leaders. To a man, every person I spoke with attending this event was already persuaded of the issues being proclaimed. There did not appear to be any 'conversions' taking place, men moving away from the post-modern market driven approach to church. I corresponded with Dr. David Wells (Gordon Conwell) and author of five titles addressing this very topic. My appeal was to broaden the scope of our influence. David responded by saying that he is doing all he can. I accept his judgement but I do not see our tent being enlarged.

We do NOT need yet another organization. This is not my appeal. My appeal is that we invest serious energy and resources through the existing entities so that we DO make some 'converts', men who embrace the definition, purpose and methods of Intentional Disciple-making that produce genuine Transformation and penetrates our ragged post-modern culture to reach people currently oblivious to Truth Absolute.

We MUST petition our Great God to bring a fresh tsunami of the Authority of Scripture and Integrated or Applied Theology. People actually live 24/7 what we claim to believe concerning God's revelation of Himself.

I invite my readers to contact me on this endeavor. A cloud the size of a mans hand may become a category 5 storm that brings Grace & Truth to America! AMEN & AMEN!

1 comment:

  1. Tom,
    I think what Neil Cole is seeking to do through his Organic Church material is very valid in the endeavor. I am currently reading his work on "Cultivating a Life for God" and find it to be a good tool for those interested reforming the church. It is a slow time demanding process but anything that is going to sustain itseld over the long haul will be.
    Charlie "SandBFlag" Waller
