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Monday, July 19, 2010

Swimming in a Pool of Caramel

#23 July 19, 2010

Part 1

Things here are about the same. I feel like ministry here has been like swimming in a pool of caramel the past four years. Everything has been harder than it has to be.
This is a response I recently received to an inquiry I made of a Pastor asking how he was doing.

When you encounter this scenario, and it is pervasively common, rest assured that the ministry he refers to is not ordered by the text of Scripture and enabled by the Holy Spirit. God's work is simply not of that sort. This is not to say there are not obstacles in ministry but they should not come from the people of God that are supposed to be serving with us. If they do, change of a radical magnitude is in order.

Part 2

Herein is the problem. COURAGE - - simple God given raw courage is lacking in most so called leaders. They fear men plain and simple. They tell me, "Tom, if I do that they will fire me." Really! You would be blessed. What are you afraid of? How do you know what they will do.? Proverbs says that the farmer did not plow because he thought he may have seen a few clouds in the air. What shameful cowardice.

Please understand, I am not promoting over-lording or leading as a thug rather than a compassionate shepherd. But, when you continue to promote swimming in a pool of caramel and call it ministry without addressing the causal factors you sir are a COWARD!

Change, institutional change from cultural lethargy to biblical effectiveness is a process not an event. it is accomplished by loving and teaching not by fiat declaration. It takes time, lots of time.

My point is, almost none of the pseudo leaders I encounter have taken even the first baby steps in the direction of change. They are filled with fear (the most frequent command in all of scripture is "Fear Not" - 366 times).

So Pastor, what is in your pool? Just thought I would ask now because there is a day coming when Jesus will ask you that very question.

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