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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Insane Metrics

#21 July 5, 2010

Part 1

Valedictorian - in schools and college, the student, usually the one ranking highest in scholarship, who delivers the valedictory address at graduation. (Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary, p. 2016).

Please notice that the honor referenced in this definition is singular. There is one person who is accorded this honor.

There is a 'dust up' in Texas because a school has honored 100 graduates as the valedictorian. What? A spokesperson appealing for sanity in this post-modern insanity stated and well so - "this is more about equity than rewarding excellence". They are correct.

Matthew 25:14-30 is the account of the Parable of the Talents. Some received 5, some 2 and some 1. There is clearly a quantitative distinction in the distribution of talents as there is in the accounting that must be rendered as to what the recipients did with the talents they received.

This is simply a biblical principle and specifically in this parable it is the discretion of the Master as to who receives what, how many and what expectation there will be in the accounting for the application of these talents. The reward is comensurate with the actual accomplishment.

Part 2

Post-Modernism as a philosophical system is hell-bent on destroying any semblance of absolutes. Therefore, the metric they seek to apply is flawed. Student A's performance did not exceed Student B's performance so we will blur reality by giving everyone a big lolly-pop and call them Valedictorians plural. This defies reality and makes the honor a non-honor.

When Jesus returns in the Second Coming there will indeed be levels of reward. If your service was in fact in His eyes worthy of a certain level of honor He will bestow same. If you have been a sloth and not invested the opportunities God gave you He WILL NOT wink and make everyone Valedictorian. Get over it. Live life according to reality.

Even so, come LORD Jesus! MARANATHA!!

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