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Saturday, September 29, 2018

Current Placement Process

The Current Process of Pastoral Placement

Churches call their pastors. The typical process currently in place is to form a 'Pulpit Search Committee' when the pastorate becomes vacant. This committee will recruit pastors and begin the selection process, usually by obtaining letters and resumes and requesting recorded sermons. They will interview candidates and make a recommendation to the church. The candidate will be introduced to the church, answer questions from the congregation, and preach one or two sermons. Then the church will vote on candidate.

Item #1 – People serving on a 'Pulpit Committee' are almost always untrained, ill-equipped, and inexperienced. They may be godly people, but, they are asked to complete a task that is vital to the life and ministry of the church that they are not qualified to exercise.

Item #2 – The pool of potential candidates is frequently made up of men seeking to escape a bad situation they currently serve in. This is a formula for disaster.

Item #3 – The primary competence examined is preaching. This is important. However, Character, Leadership, Relational Skills, Previous Ministry Effectiveness must also be considered. When this is not thoroughly completed the results are short term tenures when deficiencies surface.

There is a better way – one that harmonizes with the NT. Contact IgniteUS to consider this process. 800 472 3764 or

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