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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blatant Insult to God

Blatant insult to God
Letters to the Editor
By Tom Fillinger, Columbia
Published May 12, 2011

Pastor BRYANT Wright is quoted as saying, “Jesus Christ loves all mankind. He loves homosexuals who are engaging in homosexual activity ...” (“At USC, gay students protest SBC president’s honorary degree,” April 28).

Psalm 5:5 and Psalm 11:5 are without ambiguity or confusion. Literally, Psalm 5:5 says, “God hates all the ones working (present tense) iniquity” (Barnes on the OT, Psalms Vol. 1, p.42).

The Scripture makes clear that homosexual activity is iniquity/sin, and those practicing such conduct are excluded from heaven (1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

In the interest of the authority of Scripture, which we in the Southern Baptist Convention claim to embrace, and the honor due the God we serve, I appeal for a correction to be posted on this assertion. It is false, incorrect and a blatant insult to God and his Word.

Editor’s note: In the interest of clarity, here are Southern Baptist Convention president Bryant Wright’s full remarks as presented in the April 28 Courier article:

“It’s really a false charge that when you simply teach what the Bible says about sin, that you’re a hateful person. Jesus Christ loves all mankind. He loves homosexuals who are engaging in homosexual activity. He loves heterosexuals who are engaging in immoral heterosexual activity.

“But he does call on us — because he has paid the penalty for our sins on the cross — to be willing to repent of sinful behavior. We’re just teaching what God’s standard is for sexual purity. The gospel is a wonderful message of good news, but it is a message of truth, and sometimes people are not always open or perceptive to God’s truth.”

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