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Friday, April 16, 2010

Measuring Ministry - Baptisms or Transformation?

April 22, 2010

Ladies & Gentlemen. We interrupt our series of Hindrances to Transformation to bring you this important message. Rev. Marshall Fagg was until recently responsible for Evangelism in the State Convention of SC, SBC. In 2006 this writer had a series of exchanges with Rev. Fagg. Part of this exchange is the substance of the message that follows.

Is it any wonder that the church in America is impotent and lethargic when people at this level embrace such theological distortions. Pray for Reformation and Renewal - - sound Theology that leads to Healthy and Effective churches that make disciples fully formed in the Image of Christ, obeying all that Jesus commanded.

On April 20, 2006 I sent a message to Marshall Fagg at the State Convention. My appeal was that we focus on Making Disciples not counting baptisms. Our own HMB study revealed that we could locate fewer than 10% of those baptized one year after their baptism. If they cannot be located they most certainly are not being disciple.

In his response Rev. Fagg stated: “Numbers are important because:

1. They represent souls who will eternally escape the awful judgment of a Holy God.

2. They represent potential disciples who have been given the task of proclaiming the gospel to the ends of the earth.

3. They represent those who have become a part of the family of God and the Body of Christ.

In response to #1. It is not ‘’souls’ that God redeems but people. The motivation is not merely to ‘escape judgment’, but, to be sanctified. As redeemed men live holy lives in the midst of a sinful world Christ is glorified.

In response to #2. Where in Scripture are we instructed to baptize potential disciples? If in fact they are not truly redeemed they most certainly are NOT to proclaim the gospel - - they are lost.

In response to #3. It is not baptism that marks a person as a member of the family of God. That identification, according to the text of Scripture, is repentance and holy living.

I submit and continue to appeal for a radical and biblical re-orientation of our Theology. Evangelism is not a separate component. Rather, it is the first phase of disciple-making. Until we recognize that fact and modify our practice accordingly, we will continue to suffer the ravages of a dysfunctional metric drawn from the culture not the text of Scripture. Jesus said Make Disciples. When will we focus on obeying all that He has commanded?
What think ye dear readers?

1 comment:

  1. That attitude makes me want to weep. But, how can we help ourselves when year in and year out pastors are recognized and rewarded based on the number of baptisms. I hope you don't mind but I will be quoting part of this blog in this morning's message. The message is on 1 Peter 1:1-2 and concludes with the assertion that election results in obedience.
    Tom, Thanks for hard work and encouragement.
    Charlie Waller
