TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hindrance #4 Unregenerate Membership

#10 April 12, 2010

**Just to refresh my readers - - we are considering hindrances to Transformation in this series.

Part 1

The clear and unambiguous declaration of the text, specifically the teaching of Jesus, states that the metric by which we are to validate faith is conduct. It is not just what a person says, but more significantly the testimony, the fruit of their life. What is the character of their conduct?

A Denominational State Newspaper recently carried an article describing the utter and absolute turmoil in the churches of that state. Conflict, power struggles, strife and division. This is certainly not evidence of people who are directed by the Word of God and enabled by the Spirit of God. Unity is inherent in the Body of Christ. If unity is absent, it is evidence that the people making up that body are very possibly, even probably unregenerate. Denominations have entire departments dedicated to "Conflict Resolution". This hindrance to Transformation is indisputable.

Part 2

This circumstance is directly attributable to deficient theological foundations. People have been swept into the church for decades as members for simply walking down an aisle, signing a response card, or being baptized. The text of Scripture makes profoundly clear that the test of regeneration is a transformed life. Regenerate people have and apply the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. He gives us every essential necessary to resolve our differences ( and we should expect to have them - - we are ALL SINNERS). But, we should also demonstrate His indwelling presence and power by minimizing the scope and effects of those differences.

Until the metric of Transformation becomes pervasive we will continue to witness chaos in the assemblies in which this defective theological profile exists. Courageous Leaders who bring correction with compassion is the need of the hour.

Begin Today!

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