TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Truth - Trends & Tenacity

I recently participated in a poll posted by CT. The question being addressed focused on reaching a particular segment of society. What should be done to reach the people in that cultural category (Young Adults)? The option that received the greatest affirmation (62%) was:

The same way you reach out to others: teach the gospel faithfully!

I have long been troubled by all the adjectival designations for church; Equestrian church (if you do not have a horse, don't bother to participate; Biker church (if you don't ride a motorcycle, don't bother to participate; Gen X church; (if you are over 21/25(?) years of age, dont' bother to participate).

Read the book of Acts, the Magna Charta of The Church. The text and historical records indicate that people from every social strata, gender, age and economic condition were embraced as they came together daily. People were received as sinners redeemed by the grace of God. They were all recognized as equal at the foot of the cross. There was no such thing as segregating the body into special interest groups.

The "Homogenous" principle is applied in the church in America because it works, pragmatism. "Aviaries of similar plumage congregate"! Applying principles of attraction that are effective is wise and prudent leadership. Building an entire ministry on the basis of segmented social groups is a defective model and a denial of the oneness God's people inherently enjoy in Chirst.

Publishers have ceased publishing titles on the Emerging Church. Why? Because it is/was a fad, a blip on the panoramic continuum of church history. Also, many of the theological foundations of that movement (Generous Orthodoxy (sic)) are hertical if not utterly apostate. The recent publication of Deep Church by Jim Belcher provides a candid look into the poverty of the major tenets of that movement. He was part of that movement for a time so he writes 'from the inside'. He proposes what he labels a Third Way. (This is not an endorsement, simply noting this work).

Another example is the House Church movement promoted by Barna & Viola. Tim Keller recently offered a helpful grid for reviewing this attempt to classify some of these movements. He identified three groups; Willow, Reconstructionist and Traditionalist. Without question there is much that has become carved in stone that needs to be jettisoned. It is traditionalism not just tradition. Compare the recent fiasco at Coral Ridge, castigating the Pastor because he does not wear a robe or give altar calls! That is wholesome and legitimate tradition gone to seed (read my earlier post titled Polluted Polity on this battle)!

I titled this post Truth - Trends & Tenacity. It is my thesis that the most essential dynamic in the church of Jesus Christ is the exegetically accurate, passionate, compassionate and powerful declaration of the Truth. This is identified in the text as Preaching. I want to be quick to say I do not understand this to be a suited stodgy overweight and bellicose messenger shouting louder when his substance and exegesis is lacking!

I do mean the careful, accurate, sensitive in context unfolding and declaration of the Special Revelation God has graciously provided in the Bible. This tells us who he is, what he is doing, who we are and what he requires of us as his subjects. Rightly understood it is telic. We know what he is doing and that there is a glorious climax in history punctuated by the return of Jesus Christ to occupy the Throne of David for all eternity. The Word of God is authoritative, clear, necessary and sufficient. The systematic integration of this message into our lives puts us in good standing to receive His blessing and to accomplish His purpose.

If you read this and find affinity with what I have proposed, go to the link that follows and digest the substance of that article titled "Does Preaching Have A Future?" It is my settled conviction that the answer is a resounding YES. Preach the Word with tenacity.


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