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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Genuine Reformation & Revival


We need to preserve a very clear view of what genuine revival is and in so doing to appreciate afresh just how marvelous such a work of grace is. Those who have themselves witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit in revival hardly need written descriptions and definitions to help them. However, those who have never known the reality of revival are more prone to settle for something less.

 Many believe that revival is linked to the restoration of supernatural gifts to the church. The major revivals of the past have indeed been noted for phenomena, but these have not been of the kind seen in many modern movements. This distinction is vital and underlines the importance of careful definition of what constitutes revival.

 Four basic essentials can be observed at Pentecost which characterize all revivals of this epoch. We shall examine each of these in turn.

 1. The sense of God’s nearness and especially an awareness of His holiness and majesty.

2. A greatly intensified work of the Holy Spirit in conviction of sin and giving repentance and      faith.

 3. A marvelous increase in the numbers added to the church.

 4. Powerful preaching of the gospel.

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