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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Weigh Not Thy Life 

I post this hymn to encourage and lift up those faithful men who are weary in the battle. Read the words of this hymn over and over. Sing them in the night season. Let them penetrate the deepest fiber of your pastoral being. And remember, JOY comes in the morning!!

Author: Leonard Swain

Swain, Leonard, D.D., was born at Concord, New Haven, Feb. 26, 1821, and educated at Dartmouth College and Andover. In 1847 he became a Congregational minister at Nashua, New Haven; and in 1852 of Central Church, Providence, Rhode Island. He died July 14, 1869. His hymns, "My soul, it is thy God" (The Christian Race), and "My soul, weigh not thy life" (The Good Fight of Faith), appeared anonymously in The Sabbath Hymn Book, 1858, and their authorship has only recently been determined. The second hymn is the more widely used of the two. [Rev. F. M. Bird, M.A.] -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907).

Weigh Not Thy Life

 My soul, weigh not thy life
Against thy heavenly crown;
Now suffer Satan's deadliest strife
to beat thy courage down.

With prayer and crying strong,
Hold on the fearful fight,
And let the breaking day prolong
The wrestling of the night.

The battle soon will yeild,
If thou they part fulfill;
For strong as is the hostile shield,
Thy sword is stronger still.

Thine armor is divine,
Thy feet with victory shod;
And on thy head shall quickly shine
The diadem of God.

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