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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Church Revitalization Resource

The evidence of precipitous decline in the American church is irrefutable. This is true of the main line denominations. Some evangelical denominations are holding their own - numerically. However, there is a huge and fatal fallacy in this portrait of 'we are ok'!

That fallacy is a seriously flawed metric. It is based on a numerical metric only - how many, how much and how often. When you challenge this you are summarily dismissed and worse. I recently posted this reality on a Seminary Prof's face book page. Within minutes he removed the post.

Southern Seminary under the leadership of Dr. Al Mohler has produced a 92 page PDF file on the essentials of Church Revitalization. It is free. I will send a copy to anyone who makes that request.
There are multiple very credible contributors each addressing a distinct aspect of this process.

Dr. Mohler writes the first chapter. In that material he traces the history of the decline of the church in England. America is racing hard after the same destiny unless immediate, strategic and effective action is taken. DO NOT IGNORE this reality.

My previous BLOG article presented the issue of 'Critical Mass'. Some churches wait too long. I recently was asked to help a church that needed a pastor. When I inquired about their current state of affairs I learned thy had 6 members left, most 70+ years of age and situated in a very remote rural setting. Folks they are already dead. We just need to conduct the funeral and burial ceremony.

Get this resource. Take the action necessary to see God bring Reformation & Renewal to the assembly where you serve.

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