TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Let The Discussion Continue - Comments Closed

Recently on his BLOG ( Dr. Jerry Vines invited readers of his BLOG to engage or participate in a 'conversation'. He refers to what he labeled "The Elephant in The Room". He is of course referring to "New Calvinism" (his label not mine) in the SBC.

I write this post because of the absolute duplicity and disingenuous nature of this invitation. Taking Dr. Vines at his word, I wrote a substantive, irenic and issue-focused response to the post in his BLOG. When I attempted to post my entry I received the message "COMMENTS CLOSED"!

God granted my wife and I the utter joy of rearing three (3) God-fearing and Christ-following children. In that parenting journey we quickly learned the importance of MODELING, living what we say we believe. Practicing what we preach. Walk the talk. You get the picture. One of the quickest ways to rear rebellious and disobedient children is to ignore this principle. It is the epitome of hypocrisy to expect your children to do what you say but not what you do.

I want to be very CLEAR at this juncture. I am addressing Dr. Vines action in inviting a conversation and then closing that post to comments. That is pure and simple hypocrisy. I have never met Dr. Vines. I know only what I have heard and read about him, most of that very admirable and positive. However, this instance is egregious and unacceptable conduct for a man who claims to represent Christ. It is, as I have stated, Hypocrisy. Further, it is in direct violation of numerous principles found in Scripture about a biblical protocol of communication. Finally, it serves only to exacerbate rather than ameliorate the destructive tensions that surround this issue. It divides rather than heals.

If you wish to join the conversation do so with a gracious, irenic and well-informed posture. Make a contribution that is value-add. Build up others with your words. Bring substance that challenges and equips. Move the issue to resolution. DO NOT lob a post that invites participation and then turn tail and run. Just sayin!

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