- research has revealed as the #1 cause of decline in the American Church –
Francis Schaeffer Leadership Institute surveyed over 1,000 pastors. This
research disclosed that 75% of pastors responding stated they were not prepared
to lead well by their colleges and seminaries. 81% stated they had no strategic
and intentional disciple making process. These statistics lend credence to the
major cause of decline is a leadership issue. Seminaries teach a man to study
the Bible. They do not teach a man to pastor with effectiveness.
validation of this principle is this. Men who lead well serve churches that are
for the most part thriving.
– This brings us to the final factor we will consider. The vast majority of
churches measure ministry effectiveness by mere activity. They look at numbers;
how many, how much, and how often. The NT criteria for ministry effectiveness
are Transformation. This principle is a clear NT objective for all believers:
Romans 12:2
Do not be
conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that
by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable
and perfect.
Future – Joshua issued a compelling challenge to the people he lead. Choose
you this day whom you will serve. This is where the American church is
positioned. The old aphorism is true - - ‘When you always do what you’ve always
done, you will always get what you always got’. Poor grammar – sound logic.
The church cannot continue to engage in dysfunctional ministry practices
and expect to have the blessing of the LORD. He honors his word. The text
states clearly when we seek him he will be found. However, he will only be
found on his terms, not some substitute that is an eclectic conglomeration of
practices borrowed from the culture around us.
If the dysfunctions we have noted are present in the church you lead,
address them. Do so with courtesy and dignity but with a real measure of
tenacity. Failure to change leads to continued persistent decline. The rate of
decline is accelerating. The time for action is NOW.
Delay is deadly. Act NOW!!