TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Today our focus is a Summary of the Assessment Process.

For the past three weeks we have examined the importance of and the process for the Assessment of ministry in the local church. We heard Socrates warn us concerning an unexamined life - - it is not worth living! I promise you well over 75% of American churches have no formal Assessment process. They have no objective review process for the effectiveness of ministry. 

Think with me here. Where would McDonald’s be if they had no process in place for measuring the profitability of their burger sales? Where would the Crimson Tide be if Coach Saban had no way of measuring the skill sets of his players? You get the picture? Every organization must have an objective process in place by which they can determine their effectiveness as compared to stated purpose. The purpose of every church as found in the text of Scripture is to Make Disciples. 

We have considered 12 essential aspects of local church ministry that serve as Assessment 101. Unless and until a local church knows with a high degree of accuracy the true condition of their ministry, they simply perpetuate dysfunction that leads to ongoing decline. Do you doubt the accuracy of this statement? 94% of American churches are declining. That is proof positive that the absence of a valid and consistently applied Assessment Process proves deadly. 

The Basic Assessment Process we provide is very clear and simple. It takes less than 15 minutes for a pastor or a church leader to complete. The cost is minimal. The benefits are many and vital for effective disciple making. So why do churches refuse to submit to the Assessment Process? I offer four reasons and while they may be difficult to embrace they are never-the-less true.

1.  Leadership Incompetence. We learned earlier in our series that Leadership Incompetence is the #1 reason for the decline of the American church. Are you listening pastor? This can change but until it does decline is your future.

2.  Fear of Failure. This is ironic because not engaging the Assessment Process is in and of itself failure.

3.  Cost. This is a smoke screen. Completing the Assessment Process is not an expenditure. It is in reality an investment, one of the wisest and most fruitful investments a local church can make.

4.  Tradition – we have never done this before!!! Exactly and precipitous and unrelenting decline is the obvious result. 

So pastor, church member, are you ready for Assessment?

Friday, September 9, 2016


Monergism is a theological perspective that boldly and unapologetically declares that ‘Salvation is of the LORD!’ This perspective was dominant in American Christianity until the mid-1800’s. One of the primary architects of the transition was Charles Grandison Finney. 

Finney was a disgruntled attorney who became a preacher. He had little or no theological training. The consequences of this change have been nothing short of tragic!

Remember the phrase ‘it’s the economy stupid!’ "It's the theology, stupid." The dominant moralism of the fundamentalist/revivalistic evangelicalism of the 60's and 70's gave way to the dominant moralism of the attractional/"contemporary" evangelicalism of the 80's and 90's and we -- the American Church -- discipled our people right into this mess. When we traded in biblical exposition for self-focused how-to's, when we blended up a syrupy syncretism of Americana and "Judeo-Christian values," when we stopped prophetically proclaiming and started handing out trite inspirational slogans, when we started treating congregants like customers and church programs like consumer products, when we moved the gospel to the end of the service and then escorted it out of the sanctuary altogether, we basically asked for this. We set these wheels in motion. 

What I want for the faith perspective of the American church is more than theological agreement in the mind. I want us to experience a theological change of the heart. If we truly believe in the Doctrines of Grace, our zeal will be complemented with humility and our earnestness with compassion. Those who embrace the absolute sovereignty and unbreakable love of God, in light of our own moral inability to do good or to please him, will be struck with awe and overwhelmed with meekness. 

The Father chose us, the Son died for us, and the Holy Spirit awoke us when we were rebelling, refusing, and resisting. Salvation is truly of the Lord, leaving us no room for boasting or pride. We should be passionate about doctrine but patient with people, for apart from the working of God, how will their minds and hearts be changed? 

Before we set out to correct others with the Doctrines of Grace, be sure we apply them to our own heart. Preach to ourselves before we preach to others. Only then will doctrinal precision be accompanied by compassionate persuasion. Others will more easily see the glory of these truths when they see how they have already changed us.

Salvation is truly and only of the LORD.