Here are seven questions to ask before choosing a seminary.
1. What do I want to do with a seminary degree? I am a firm believer in the value of a seminary education.
But I don’t encourage Christians to jump into seminary simply because
they are eager to learn the Bible. It’s an expensive way to study the
Scriptures if you don’t have a definite end goal in mind. So think to
yourself, and talk to other people, and try to determine if you need
seminary? If so, what for? To be a pastor? To be a missionary? For some
other kind of vocational ministry? To go into the academy? What you are
looking for will help determine where you go.
2. Is the seminary fully committed to the authority of the Bible at every level of the institution?
I suppose in rare instances you could make a case for going to a
mainline school if your end goal is to get a PhD and serve in a secular
environment (although there are many evangelical schools whose degree
would not hurt your chances of getting into the best doctoral programs).
But in almost all cases, you will do much better to go to a school
firmly rooted in the inerrancy of Scripture and the doctrines of the
Reformation. This is not the time for testing out new theories,
especially if you are studying to be a pastor. Find a school whose
theology you trust, from top to bottom.
3. Have you thought about the tradition you want to be a part of? Seminary
does not set your trajectory for life, but it will immerse you in a
certain culture and tradition. Southern is a good seminary, so is
Westminster, so is Trinity. But one will put you in the middle of SBC
life, another into the Presbyterian and Reformed world, and another more
broadly into evangelicalism (and the Evangelical Free Church). Think
about where you’re from and where you want to end up. The people you
train with in seminary may be your ministerial traveling companions for
4. What is the community like? No seminary
aims for lousy community, but some schools are largely commuter campuses
while others have a dorm atmosphere that feels like an extension of
college. Do you want to share meals with other students in a cafeteria?
Do you want to go to chapel regularly? Would you prefer married housing?
Are you fine living off campus and driving in for class three or four
or five days a week? Know what you’re looking for.
5. Who will be teaching you? It’s hard for
seminaries to be much better (or much worse) than the faculty they
employ. Think about whom you respect and want to be with for 3-5 years.
Find out not just who the big name scholars are, but who actually
teaches the classes and whether they are accessible to students. If you
can, try to talk to current students and find out whether the famous
faculty are effective classroom instructors. Good scholarship, good
writing, and good teaching are three different gifts that don’t always
reside in the same person. If you are training for pastoral ministry,
you’ll want to see how many of the professors have real world experience
in the nitty-gritty of local church life.
6. What courses will you be required to take?
Seminary catalogs don’t always make for scintillating (or simple)
reading, but it’s well worth the effort to try to make sense of each
school’s basic requirements. The curricula can vary widely, both in
total credit hours and in emphases. I would look for a school that is
strong in the original languages, can teach exegesis, doesn’t skimp on
systematic theology, and knows how to translate academic preparation
into ministry readiness.
7. What are their graduates like? Granted,
no seminary can be responsible for the way in which every student turns
out. But on the whole, you should be able to get an excellent idea of
how well a school will train you for ministry by looking at those it has
already trained. Are they men of character? Are they biblically sharp
and theologically sound? Are they doctrinally balanced? Are they good
with people? Can they preach? Can you think of several graduates you’d
gladly have on staff at your church? The proof is, as they say, in the
pudding. Or, in the case of seminaries, in the pastors.