TRUTH will always triumph. TRUTH is Revealed, Absolute, Propositional, Transcendent, Incarnate and Transforming!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Dithering and Other Inane Moments

Monday January 31, 2011 #5

I recently listened to an NPR spot about the incredible angst being generated by a decision over which combination of drugs to use in Executing convicted criminals in the state of OH. I am an OH native. Oh the angst and hand wringing the broadcasters engaged. Such emotional trauma. PLEASE!!

As a nation we have slaughtered 51 million plus INNOCENTS! Little Image Bearers guilty of absolutely nothing except they exist. Of course that existence may inconvenience the female that bears their little fragile life. So, they choose the path of expedience not TRUTH and - - - they abort. Kill! Murder! Where is the outcry of the Civil Liberty types defending these little people?

The criminal committed a crime. He was arrested, tried and found GUILTY by a jury of his peers of violating social policy, laws that prohibit his behavior. We have codified a system of punishment for such conduct. Of course we must not violate his rights or cause him any pain. What?

Those little people butchered by that thug in Philadelphia get no such mercy. SHAME on us. Shame on the pastors who fail to speak for the most helpless of the "least of these".

Think about this before you stand before the One who Judges all things!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Sanctity of Life

Monday January 24, 2011 # 4

As I write, tomorrow is Sanctity of Life Sunday in our nation. Life is sacred because every living person is created in the Image of God. Our Founding Fathers acknowledged this - - endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. We are enjoying a weekend visit with three of our grandchildren - image bearers. They bring great joy. It is mind boggling to think that men and women live with the horrific knowledge that they destroyed their own progeny. Oh weep for that loss. Weep for that burden of death - killing your own. Safe, Legal and Rare? Damn Liars!

It does not require a Medical School education to certify this fact. Simple logic, something does not come from nothing. The capitulation to Margaret Sanger and her murderous ilk gave us this tragedy and the voice of the church was impotent to stop the tsunami of death that has swept our nation. 51 Million plus since 1973. Safe, Legal and Rare was the screed. Liars. Damn Liars!

In NY City in 2010 87,000 image bearers were slaughtered for the sake of convenience or worse. 60% of black babies conceived in that calendar year were murdered. Most cities in America do not have a population of 87,000.

The following quote makes my case. Read it with weeping, repentance and prayer.

It doesn't require a leap in logic to acknowledge that a society which kills it's own children is eliminating it's next generation. That society is also wiping out it's next doctors, lawyers, professional athletes, actors and actresses, dog catchers, fishermen, pizza makers, and in fact, is just killing itself. Along the way a horrible side-effect of this killing is to teach our young people that their lives are not valuable. In fact, we'll fight for the right to kill them. Yet this behavior is trumpeted as "progress". Little wonder our streets run red with blood. (Marc Laroi’s BLOG post January 21, 2011, A Christian Living)

God forgive us. I plead for mercy. I plead for the Pastors of this land to speak Truth to Power. May the gospel run free across this land and transform hearts of stone to hearts of faith.

Read Psalm 139 and Pray for America!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A Wrecking Bar and A Key - Power & Authority

Monday January 17, 2011 #3

You stand outside a door. You need to gain entrance. You have two options.

Option One is a Wrecking Bar. You can ‘break into’ the facility using the Wrecking Bar to destroy the integrity of the door assembly. You will ultimately gain entry. However, the security of the facility that the door previously provided is now gone. Robbers and thieves may now enter any time they choose.

Option Two is a Key. Not just any key, but, the key that unlocks that specific door. You enter, accomplish your task and depart. You lock the door. Subsequent attempts to enter are now preserved and the integrity of the facility as well.

What is the difference? The “Wrecking Bar” approach is Power. Pure raw power. It secured entrance but is profoundly destructive. The “Key” approach is Authority. It gains entrance and preserves the integrity of the system.

The Leadership Lesson is this. Some men cannot seem to distinguish between the two. Leadership must be both effective (getting the task completed) as well as compassionate (1 Peter 5:1-5). In ministry both tasks and people are priorities.

So, the question is this – “Which of the two is your “tool of choice”? It really does matter!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Desperate <> Urgent

Monday January 10, 2011#2

God is never desperate. We as His people should not be either. Urgency is another matter.

Webster’s Dictionary definition of “Desperate”

1. loss of hope and surrender to despair

2. a state of hopelessness leading to rashness

Webster’s Dictionary definition of “Urgent”

1. a. calling for immediate attention : PRESSING
b. conveying a sense of urgency

2. urging insistently : IMPORTUNATE

The text of Scripture speaks in language that expresses urgency (Eph. 5:11-16; 2 Tim. 2:14-15). When I launched what is now IgniteUS it was Nero’s Broken Fiddle. Why?

Nero fiddled while Rome burned, or so the story goes. The church has been ‘fiddling’ while the world perishes. We have been engaged in the Great Commission for 2,000 years and there are still 3 Billion people who have not heard the name of Jesus or the Gospel in its fullness. Years later, I read one of David Well’s five titles in the series he wrote from 1993 – 2009. The final title in that series is The Courage To Be Protestant. He used that exact terminology to describe the conduct of the church in this time - - fiddling!

Not many so called leaders can honestly claim that honorable distinction (Couragesous). There is a clear and compelling case for Urgency in the church in America, yet, we find very little. When I speak to 100 pastors perhaps 15-20 are even interested in CONSIDERING the Reformation & Renewal process. It is easier to maintain status quo, manage activity, but, not make Disciples. That is much too arduous.

So, where are you on this continuum? The truth is this. If we do not labor and serve with a sense of urgency we will ultimately be found in a state of desperation.

Think about this, pray and join the remnant who have engaged the opportunity to honor Christ, make disciples and fulfill the Great Commission. You will be so very glad you did. God’s best as you serve and lead with COURAGE!