Part 1
I am often asked about the Structure for a Healthy & Effective Church. This is a trick question. Why? Because most of the time the person or group making the inquiry really thinks that there is a "Magic Bullet" hidden away in my brief case. For a small fee (usually they are thinking very small) I will work some voodoo magic and they will be robust, thriving and healthy in about 90 days max! WRONG!
There are essentially three (3) ministry venues that MUST function with excellence for a church to achieve both numerical and spiritual growth. They are:
A. Worship - warm, vibrant lively rejoicing in the God who alone is God. All ages, ethnic groups and genders can join together in this expression of praise and devotion to the Sovereign of the Ages.
B. Fellowship & Instruction - fellowship that is transparent but not threatening. Instruction that systematically equips people in the TRUTH of God's Word. Not what someone thinks about God's Word but God's Word. Those being taught must participate in active learning.
C. Intimacy & Accountability - small groups must build trust. People must reach the point of trusting one another so that they share the deepest life issues. They not only permit but long for accountability that they know will enable them to overcome the selfishness of sin. All participants know and practice the one another commands of the NT. They voluntarily submit themselves to an on-going accountability structure that actually produces spiritual transformation. They love one another as Jesus described in John 13:34-35. **NOTE - Small Groups are not defined on where you meet, how the chairs are arranged, curriculum, etc. They are defined by Intimacy & Accountability. This takes time, Transparency & Vulnerability.
There are essentially three (3) ministry venues that MUST function with excellence for a church to achieve both numerical and spiritual growth. They are:
A. Worship - warm, vibrant lively rejoicing in the God who alone is God. All ages, ethnic groups and genders can join together in this expression of praise and devotion to the Sovereign of the Ages.
B. Fellowship & Instruction - fellowship that is transparent but not threatening. Instruction that systematically equips people in the TRUTH of God's Word. Not what someone thinks about God's Word but God's Word. Those being taught must participate in active learning.
C. Intimacy & Accountability - small groups must build trust. People must reach the point of trusting one another so that they share the deepest life issues. They not only permit but long for accountability that they know will enable them to overcome the selfishness of sin. All participants know and practice the one another commands of the NT. They voluntarily submit themselves to an on-going accountability structure that actually produces spiritual transformation. They love one another as Jesus described in John 13:34-35. **NOTE - Small Groups are not defined on where you meet, how the chairs are arranged, curriculum, etc. They are defined by Intimacy & Accountability. This takes time, Transparency & Vulnerability.
Part 2
Today we enjoyed all of this and more. We focused in our worship assembly on God's Word and the joyful privilege of distributing thousands of Bibles to the BILLIONS of people in China. We received an offering that will purchase 100+ Bibles for those people. When the service 'ended' there were people still loving one another and sharing for at leat 30 minutes. There was a new little man there (4 weeks old). He never made a peep in 90 minutes. What a champion.
This service was followed by our Sunday afternoon Small Group. We ate lunch together. 7 'guys' ate lunch together and talked about their earthly fathers. Talk about rare! It was a joy to me as a Pastor to be part of this level of disclosure and how our fathers shaped our lives. Topped this off with Breyers Ice Cream and Pecan Sandies. Talk about blessing!!
We then viewed session #7 of Paul Tripp's War of Words - a study on proper Christian Communnication. One of our Interns added some additional material that equipped God's people to both listen as well as speak. Good Stuff.
We closed with prayer for one another and for Pastor Greg Dowey who is in China this week distributing Bibles.
Then, I came home and THE TRIBE smacked the deads (Cinn. Reds) right square in the CHOPS! Please understand the reality of this Ministry Structure. It has taken 13 years, much spiritual energy and many many battles to reach this joyful condition. But, it is absolutely worth the struggle. I plead with Pastors reading this to invest themselves in a group of people and pursue this profile. Sola Deo!