#14 May 10, 2010Part 1Metric = a unit of measure, a standard by which evaluation is conducted.
The Scriptures are referred to as the 'canon'. A canon was a measuring rod. Therefore, today we measure orthodoxy, fidelity to the Truth and all of life by the text of Scripture. That is our standard for faith and practice.
The church in America has adopted a metric that is seriously flawed. The church measures what I refer to as transactional dimensions of ministry. How many, how much, how often. Attendance, Offerings, Baptisms. While these aspects of ministry have value and therefore should be accounted for in the overall evaluation of ministry, they are one dimensional.
What does the Scripture require that we measure? Transformation! Consider Heb. 13:17 and Col. 1:28. Read carefully Rom. 12:2. Clearly the issue is Transformation. So, what is the problem?
You cannot measure what you have not defined. What is a Disciple? What are the character indicators, the daily practices of a person who is being transformed into the fullness of the image of Christ. Each assembly needs to draft such a definition but it is guaranteed failure if a church claims to make disciples but cannot tell the disciple or the watching world what a disciple is. This is nothing more or less than Sanctification (progressive). Consider Heb. 12:14!
Part 2
The following are steps that any local church may take to get on the right path concerning this vital aspect of ministry.
1. Repent - admit that you are simply going through the motions, wearing people out with activity that does not produce holiness.
2. Define - draft a definition of a disciple that fits the text of Scripture and your ministry setting and culture. Consider the education level of your people and their overall comprehension of God's truth.
3. Instruct - teach your people what is required. Educate them on the absolute necessity of being conformed to the image of Christ.
4. Enlist - get your people into Phase specific Small Groups. They should progress with others who are at a similar phase of spiritual maturity so that they find affinity and fellowship that encourages and motivates them to press on.
5. Evaluate - develop a metric system that equips people with the capacity to asses their progress. Give each person two (2) accountability partners who will encourage and enable them to stay on course.
6. Celebrate - recognize with principled affirmation those people who achieve specific growth as measured objectively and exhibited with consistency in their behavior.
You can do this Pastor. We provide detailed assistance for this process. Call us at 803 776 5282 or send us a message at
info@igniteus.net .
Read the article provide by this link - the work of Jim Collins.